Editorial Complaints Policy

At Evape News, we are committed to maintaining high editorial standards and providing accurate, fair, and ethical content to our readers. We value your feedback and take complaints seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our approach to addressing editorial concerns and complaints.


This policy covers complaints related to the editorial content published on the Evape News online magazine, including articles, reviews, opinion pieces, and any other written or visual content.

Complaint Submission:

If you have a complaint regarding our editorial content, please submit your complaint in writing to our Editorial Team at [insert contact information]. Please include the following details:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Date of the article or content in question
  • Specific details about the concern or complaint, including the relevant sections and reasons for your objection
  • Any supporting evidence or documentation, if applicable

Complaint Review and Resolution:

Upon receiving a complaint, our Editorial Team will review it promptly and thoroughly. We will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint within [insert time frame]
  • Conduct a fair and impartial assessment of the concerns raised
  • Investigate the accuracy, fairness, and compliance with our editorial policies and guidelines
  • Seek additional information, if necessary, from relevant sources or individuals involved
  • Determine an appropriate course of action based on the merits of the complaint

Response and Resolution:

Once the investigation is complete, we will respond to the complainant in writing. Our response will include:

  • An acknowledgement of the complaint and our understanding of the issues raised
  • The findings of our investigation and any corrective action taken, if applicable
  • An explanation of our editorial decision-making process and any relevant guidelines or policies
  • Any steps we will take to address the complaint and prevent similar issues in the future

We strive to address complaints within a reasonable time frame, considering the complexity and nature of the complaint. We will make every effort to provide a substantive response within [insert time frame].


If the complainant is not satisfied with our response, they may request an appeal by notifying us in writing within [insert time frame]. The appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of our Editorial Team who was not involved in the initial investigation. The decision of the senior team member will be final.

External Resolution:

In some cases, the complainant may wish to seek external resolution through relevant industry bodies or regulatory authorities. We will provide information on the appropriate channels for further escalation, if requested.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We respect the privacy of complainants and treat all complaints with confidentiality. Personal information provided will only be used for the purpose of addressing the complaint and will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Continuous Improvement:

We value feedback and use complaints as an opportunity for learning and improvement. We continually assess our editorial practices and policies to ensure the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, and integrity.

Contact Us:

To submit a complaint or for further information about our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact our Editorial Team at +1 505 55055 .

By submitting a complaint, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Editorial Complaints Policy and agree to abide by its procedures.